Re-visioning the Ego series

Four session series every Monday in March from 7:00-8:30PM Eastern

Free overview Monday, February 13 from 7:00-8:00 PM Eastern

Attendance is on Zoom and Recorded

Facilitated by Henry Cretella, Bob Insull, and Danny Miller

Zoom attendance strongly recommended; Recordings can also be purchased separately for those who cannot attend on Zoom.

Tuition: $150 for the series (recordings included) if registered and paid by Monday February 20,
$200 after February 20.
Recordings only: $120 – must register and pay for this by February 20.

Registration: Register for the overview and/or the series [please specify] by contacting Henry at:
Payment instructions: (paypal, venmo, check) will follow registration, so register soon for the discount!

The ego is much misunderstood and maligned in spiritual traditions. Rather than viewing the concept of an ego as a gift of which we can make exquisite use in our physical incarnation, the advice is usually to “fight with” and even “annihilate” it.

  • Develop a more comprehensive concept of what is meant by “ego” psychologically and mystically.
  • Become more appreciative of the spiritual as well as psychological value of the ego when understood more holistically.
  • Develop a more holistic approach of working to “expand the ego” by integrating feminine and masculine principles and becoming more collaborative, engaged, curious, and welcoming with our ego parts.
  • This offering will be an experiential as well as discussion-oriented series. It will integrate concepts and experiences from both psychology and mysticism and suggest ways of integrating what is learned into our attitudes, relationships, and behavior. This series is suitable for beginners or more advanced seekers, and no prior knowledge is necessary. In fact, curiosity and an open mind and heart are the only prerequisites.

We hope you will join us and explore a new way to envision and use one of our greatest gifts.

Henry Cretella is a retired psychiatrist and an active spiritual guide and teacher in the mystical, universal Sufi lineage of Hazrat Inayat Khan. He also has read and studied in a variety of mystical/spiritual traditions including Christianity, Tibetan and Zen Buddhism, Shamanism, and in finding the thread of wisdom that flows through all of them.

Bob Insull is a retired psychologist and student in the same lineage of Hazrat Inayat Khan. He has extensive experience and involvement in the Christian tradition.

Danny Miller serves as a speech-language pathologist in the Buffalo Schools. He is also a student of nature, as well as Sufism in the tradition of Hazrat Inayat Khan.