99 Names Class

Second Wednesday of each month from 6:30-8:00 PM Eastern time

Attend in person in Pittsford or on Zoom. In-person attendance is available in a limited capacity.

Intensive study of the 99 names from various sources and our own experiences. Three of us co-teach.  We prepare an outline and send it out the Sunday or so before the class with the zoom invitation.  We began with the “7 leading names.”  We have met for close to two years now, but you can join.  It helps to have some familiarity with the concept of the 99 names.  The one requirement is that you commit to attend monthly except for extraordinary circumstances.  People share experiences and this commitment increases the sense of community and trust needed in sharing.  The meetings are recorded for use by the participants only (e.g for review or if you miss a class).  There is a minimum of $10 (US Dollars) per year for this class, or more if you can afford it and feel called to do so.  We periodically offer a half or one day retreat on the 99 names or something associated with them (e.g a retreat on Sufi “Zikr”) which asks for a donation if possible.

Contact us if you have any questions about the class or you’re interested in participating!